the nuts poker league
the biggest brand in pub poker

Event Results

Club 2000 (NLV)

Please find below event results for the live pub poker tournament held at Club 2000 (NLV) in East Kilbride on 25 February 2010 at 20:30:

Event Statistics

Total Players: 32 - Prize Pool (1-8): 6400

  Player # Bonuses Points
1 Davie Caw 701756 * 1950
2 Gordon Fraser 701761 * 1310
3 Yvonne Caw 701764 * 862
4 tony gallen 696590 * 670
5 Gary 'Shaky hands' Blackwood 701757 * 606
6 Roy 'The Money' McDade 684892 * 478
7 stevie 'the bullet' mclean 698129 * 414
8 Paul Neil 701765 * 350
9 Phil '1XGecco' Simons 670339 * 80
10 john duffy 690889 * 80
11 Stephen Wright 702220 * 80
12 Martin Orchison 701760 * 80
13 Andy 'Multi Man' Mason 702377 50
14 Andy Neil 701755 * 80
15 Bobby Caw 701754 * 80
16 Gary Clark 702368 * 80
17 Marty 'the gasman' McInness 701758 * 80
18 Linda Smith 702221 * 80
19 Andy Abberley 702379 50
20 Alan Dickson 702367 * 80
21 Brian Smith 702371 * 80
22 Zong Pham 670896 * 80
23 Andy Caw 701763 * 80
24 Andrew McCallum 702369 * 80
25 john 'steak house' mckie 690894 * 80
26 des cunningham 696588 * 80
27 Ian 'callyoulose' Wilson 702364 * 80
28 Alan Fraser 701762 * 80
29 David Johnstone 702219 * 80
30 Steven Campbell 702366 * 80
31 Stuart 'The Accumulator' Noble 702378 * 80
32 Gareth Neil 702370 * 80

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If your results are wrong or you have any comments about the way your event is run, please let us know.

Privacy & Anonymity

We value all our players and respect your privacy. If you wish to play anonymously and do not wish to have your name appearing on the league tables please let us know; however please remember that if your name does not appear, you will not be eligible to qualify for any regional or national events as we will be unable to confirm your identity.