the nuts poker league
the biggest brand in pub poker

Event Results

Bluebell Inn (NLV)

Please find below event results for the live pub poker tournament held at Bluebell Inn (NLV) in Old St Mellons, Cardiff on 15 July 2008 at 19:30:

Event Statistics

Total Players: 32 - Prize Pool (1-8): 6400

  Player # Bonuses Points
1 Simon Wozencroft 235381 * 1950
2 Andy 'Oggy' Honeywill 357986 * 1310
3 Peter 'Poker Pete' Kerswell 359220 * 862
4 Simon 'Azzar' Andreou 235409 640
5 Chris Collier 235394 * 606
6 Gareth 'Gaz' Johnson 359221 * 478
7 Tom Doyle 235402 * 414
8 Brian Burgess 235393 * 350
9 David 'The Sheik' Maynard 235395 * 80
10 Leighton 'Oby 1' O'Brien 346444 * 80
11 Andrew Ashton 235411 * 80
12 Rhodri 'Hot Rod' Jones 235422 * 80
13 Pauline Bladen 235417 * 80
14 Christopher 'CUCA' Adams 235414 * 80
15 Gareth 'Jinjernuts' Rice 235413 * 80
16 Richard Burrows 235440 * 80
17 Paul Edmonds 357978 * 80
18 Lee 'Tonto' O'Callaghan 235434 * 80
19 Michael Lewis 235385 * 80
20 Lance 'Stud' Baker 235391 * 80
21 Tony Hartwell 235396 50
22 Dean 'Top Turnover' Murray 235400 * 80
23 Robert Speers 359210 * 80
24 Nathan 'The River Bandit' Cox 235412 * 80
25 Leyton 'on the wire' Dyer 357964 * 80
26 Keith 'Ginger' Chandler 360357 * 80
27 Nigel Morris 360358 * 80
28 David Bevan 235390 * 80
29 Neil 'RiverRat' James 235439 * 80
30 Mark 'Mezo' Murray 235401 * 80
31 Rhys Jones 235415 * 80
32 John 'Smoothy' Hollyman 235398 * 80

Found an Error?

If your results are wrong or you have any comments about the way your event is run, please let us know.

Privacy & Anonymity

We value all our players and respect your privacy. If you wish to play anonymously and do not wish to have your name appearing on the league tables please let us know; however please remember that if your name does not appear, you will not be eligible to qualify for any regional or national events as we will be unable to confirm your identity.