the nuts poker league
the biggest brand in pub poker

Event Results

Duke of Bridgewater - (NLV)

Please find below event results for the live pub poker tournament held at Duke of Bridgewater - (NLV) in Crewe on 20 June 2013 at 20:00:

Event Statistics

Total Players: 27 - Prize Pool (1-8): 5400

  Player # Bonuses Points
1 James 'Uberdonk' Clutton 702265 * 1650
2 Mark Fullerd 724699 * 1110
3 Debbie 'LADY LUCK' Russell 710598 * 732
4 Lee Mellor 711616 * 570
5 Sean Angell 724682 * 516
6 Neil 'DJ TAZ' Towers 716789 * 408
7 Lee 'LeeRoy' Estcourt 724693 * 354
8 Ben McGraw 724709 * 300
9 Andy 'Bingo' Newton 1004167 * 80
10 Thomas Jackson 724696 * 80
11 Steve 'Mr. Wednesday Nights' Johnson 716773 * 80
12 Chris Johnson 73348806 * 80
13 Jamie 'Princess' Dutton 710587 * 80
14 James 'The Retired Donkfish' Hughes 236818 * 80
15 David 'Nice Pie' Wright 687494 * 80
16 Adrian Russell 710597 * 80
17 Vaughn 'VeeDubZ' Williams 710577 * 80
18 Lisa Yarwood 712855 * 80
19 Christopher 'THE CHIEF' Lennon 710588 * 80
20 Neil 'Super Fly' Williams 708860 * 80
21 Dominic 'Domino' Naylor 712869 * 80
22 Richard 'TONY G' Lennon 710594 * 80
23 Charles 'THE TARGET' Williams 710578 * 80
24 Kris Brereton 724708 * 80
25 Tony Waring 711698 * 80
26 Stephen 'Ste' Haywood 710579 * 80
27 Lesley 'Mrs S' Sutherland 680301 * 80

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Privacy & Anonymity

We value all our players and respect your privacy. If you wish to play anonymously and do not wish to have your name appearing on the league tables please let us know; however please remember that if your name does not appear, you will not be eligible to qualify for any regional or national events as we will be unable to confirm your identity.