the nuts poker league
the biggest brand in pub poker

Event Results

Glen (NLV)

Please find below event results for the live pub poker tournament held at Glen (NLV) in Leicester on 26 July 2007 at 19:30:

Event Statistics

Total Players: 24 - Prize Pool (1-8): 4800

  Player # Bonuses Points
1 Andy 'Tuffish' Jolliffe 7817 1500
2 Debbie 'Bra' Williams 732662 1250
3 Pete 'Daddy Kool 57' Wilson 7333541 1000
4 Daniel Glover 7333542 800
5 Karen Wilson 732884 600
6 Chris 'littlefish' Canham 7754 400
7 Kevin 'Guardian' Trasler 732671 * 280
8 Anthony Cherrard 732881 * 180
9 Phil Dowliang 7333547 75
10 James 'Jammy' Owen 730839 75
11 Ross Whittingham 730846 75
12 fraser 'chips' north 7334165 75
13 tbc tbc 7333535 75
14 Kevin 'Smiggy' Smith 732672 * 105
15 Pam Dodd 731184 75
16 Kirsty Mattlock 7333548 75
17 tbc tbc 732888 * 105
18 Doug 'Deadly' Smith 732664 * 105
19 David 'u called on WHAT' Trasler Jnr 732660 * 105
20 David 'Hit Man' Trasler Snr 732659 * 105
21 Kevin 'Fizzo' Day 732877 * 105
22 Frank 'Grandpa' Thomas 732879 75
23 Elaine Smith 732876 * 105
24 Kevin 'Scottish' Hill 732674 75

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If your results are wrong or you have any comments about the way your event is run, please let us know.

Privacy & Anonymity

We value all our players and respect your privacy. If you wish to play anonymously and do not wish to have your name appearing on the league tables please let us know; however please remember that if your name does not appear, you will not be eligible to qualify for any regional or national events as we will be unable to confirm your identity.